Gifting Time
For sure you have found yourself many times in situations when that some specific time is coming, and you have a wish to gift someone, but you are stuck in that no left no right situation, asking yourself : WHAT TO BUY TO IMPRESS that loved person?? Maybe it is a birthday, maybe an anniversary, maybe a wedding or Christmas, or any important occasion?? Tired of buying all possible gifts that are already fading as soon as you buy them?? I think you are lucky!! Because you are here.. Place where we make customized presents for your loved ones. Our number one breathtaking gifts are definitely our hand-made customized clocks made on mirrors in rare sandblasting glass technology. In-person they look much nicer and better than in any picture because of that mirror reflection and that 3 d visual effects that can only be seen with an eye…Our clocks have 4 major powerful impacts that easily put them on your to-do list!!
FIRST: Our clocks are hand and custom made in rare and elegant technology, and that tells enough about how important and unique that person is!
SECOND: Our clocks standing on the wall showing the most precious thing we as humans have. And that is time. So they are reminders about how fast life is passing by us, and what we need to do so that we take the best we can!
THIRD! That customized clock for the person who watches the time is an eternal reminder for the beloved person who has gifted you and makes you feel so special and loved…
And the FOURTH major thing that we are especially proud of is that we make a donation of 5 CAD to a local Food Bank from every clock we sell. Because we believe in giving. That is what make our clocks so unique and special!It is absolutely not exaggerating, but honestly, when a person opens that gift box and looks at that wall clock in his full shine and glory with dear motive or quote on it, their face cannot hide joy! And THAT!! THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT! That special moment and that expression on their faces are moments that no one…no one can pay with any money. That caught moment is priceless and that energy is what makes us push our work to perfection!
Of course, except clocks, we also customizing hanging mirrors in all sizes, we are sandblasting glasses, bottles, vases, actually any flat glass surfaces! You are welcome to look at our gallery and see our little works. And if you need any info, if you have any doubt, please let us know. We will get to you as soon as possible. We are also specialists in that “last moment, don’t know what to do” situation! We are here to make you and your loved ones connected!